First Graduation at Tangaza University
Br Simon Lodai | 5 December 2024Tangaza University has done an inaugural graduation ceremony.
Read moreYear | Postulants | Formattors | Total Members |
2022 | 11 | 2 | 13 |
2023 | 17 | 2 | 19 |
2024 | 27 | 2 | 29 |
The Comboni Missionaries first arrived in Kenya in August 1972 in Tartar parish (West Pokot).
The main reason for opening up missions in Kenya was due to instability in Uganda during the reign of
Gen. Idi Amin Dada and the expulsion of some Comboni missionaries from Uganda. Currently the Comboni Missionaries are present in five Dioceses in Kenya:
Marsabit, Lodwar, Kitale, Nairobi and Ngong.
The Postulancy is situated in Ongata Rongai (Ngong diocese). This is a booming town of small businesses;
it is located at around 25 km. away from Nairobi City centre.
In recent years, part of middle-class people have moved from the big city to Ongata Rongai.,
in this town one can see reproduced in smaller scale the contradictions of Nairobi:
beautiful and luxurious flats and the slums of Kware, the extremely rich living side by side with the poor,
different religions rubbing each other's shoulders and the melting pot of diverse ethnic groups coming from
different parts of the Country and of Africa especially from South Sudan.
The Postulancy started in 1983. It was built within
the premises of St. Mary's Catholic parish,
which was a Comboni parish till 2007 when it was handed over to the Diocese.
In 25th September, 2015, the New Comboni House postulancy was relocated to an area which falls
under Fatima Catholic Parish still within Rongai.
This new postulancy is jointly co-owned by the provinces of Kenya and Southern Sudan.
Since its inception more than 40 people who received their formation in this Postulancy have become Comboni missionaries.
Different formators who have worked here are; Fr. Mario Porto, Fr. A. Solda, Fr. A. Schneider, Fr. Tomas Herreros, Fr. Romeo Di Berti,
Fr. Francisco Munguia, Fr. Mariano Tibaldo, Fr. Jesus Aranda, Fr. Bosco Sule Mawa, Fr. Daniel Villaverde,
Fr. Jesus Lobato, Fr. Eutiquio Mula Jr, Fr. Andrew Wanjohi, Fr. Phillip Andruga , Fr. Joseph Ngumba Lelo. and currently Fr. Lauro Betancourt Garcia, Fr. David Khayesi Ahiro and Fr. Clement Mbithi.
We usually have our sports on Fridays from 3:00pm to 5:30pm and also indoor games during the week after suppper until 8:00pm. On special periods like lent the sports is usuallyrelocated to Tuesday because of the way of the cross.
Read moreFormators must be men of faith, with a positive missionary experience, able to vitally communicate the Comboni ideal, endowed with the doctrinal and pedagogical competence required by their service and able to live and work in a team. (RFIS 215) Read more
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We attend lectures at Tangaza University College, normally up to 1:15pm; on Wednesdays and Thursdays afternoons, there are organized seminars/electives and core courses.
Comboni missionaries worldwide
gives hope to the marginalized people in the society
We get spiritual nourishmnet through daily masses, monthly recollections and yearly retreats
Comboni is an Italian born Saint who became the founded the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus formerly known as the Institute of the Good Shepherd for the Regeneration of Africa in 1867.
"Apostolic activities plays an important role in formation, it can provide valuable information on pastoral inclinations and attitudes, and be an opportunity to verify the vocational motivation of the Postulants" (RFIS n. 302)
To ensure a healthy and a conducive environment in our community, we combine our efforts in our daily and weekly cleaning, to keep the house clean and compound tidy.