South Sudan they were left like the sheep without the shepherd, therefore, at the end of the workshop, we chose those leaders who were to continue with the PMC in order to direct them in their activities.The two weeks I spend in Sacred Heart Parish were very nourishing to me, it has helped me to figure out and to see the need of more servants to help in the mission. The thing that drew my attention was that Fr. Paul Idra in Sacred Heart Parish in Kajo-Keji county was the only Comboni Priest and the Catholic Priest in that County of which in my two weeks, it has drawn my attention to do my best in order to assist in the mission in future.
In my free time, I try to do my manual work of cleaning the compound and washing after going to their pastoral works and also after when they are back from the pastoral. When I was in the community I benefited from the two Priests. In my free time I could trim the flowers around the guest house, and slash the grass around there. The main thing I do during my free time in the mission is to wash the cars of the fathers whenever they come from the pastoral works since the roads are poor and the cars get dirty easily. Then sometimes, I go to visit the homes of the catechists around and those Christians within the area.
Fr. Abraham was devoted to prayer life where time to time at 6am before the mass, he ask me to join him in the meditation for at least an hour every day and in the evening before the evening prayers, he ask me to him for a hour of meditation before the evening prayers, this helped me to deepen my spirituality however in the beginning when I first arrived in the community and find that reality of prayers and meditation for at least two hours a day
One hour in the morning and one hour in the evening, the main challenge I got there is that it was hard to adopt to the two hours of meditation every day since I have adopted the system in the postulancy where only one has the 45 minutes only from Monday, and Tuesday though towards my second week I could adopt to the waking up at 5am in the morning for meditation till 6am before the mass begins, this was my experience with Fr Abraham, who told me that there is power in meditation.
For instance, when he was in the noviciate, he only survived by committing himself to meditation at least an hour since he was not good in the other community activities due to this, it made him successful in his noviciate.
The Fr. Janvier the Superior of the community was devoted to Mother Mary, where every day after the super at 8pm he always invites me for Rosary prayer which I did and after that it's helped me a lot. The Rosary prayers at first, was so challenging because, I was first at all, used to praying Rosary during the day at 6:30pm and once a Grotto at 8pm, the first challenge i encountered on my first day was that the mosquitos at the Grotto were week on Saturday, but the new reality is. found in the mission is that Rosary prayer is daily and is done at night at the too hostile. They suck the blood without compromise. This made me draw back the following day.
But then the Fr Janvier, told me clearly that the reason he committed himself to our mother Mary is because after him losing her mother on this earth, then there was no other mother he could find that is why he dedicated himself to Mother Mary as her everyday due to that, he saw it very if i do not join him in the Rosary prayer, then again during the Rosary prayer. He asked me to kneel from the beginning of prayer till we finish the prayers though at the beginning it seems to be challenging but I came to understand the values of it.
Therefore, in my six weeks of mission experience in Palorinya helped me grow in my spirituality and in the knowledge of what it means by pastoral work. I left the mission on the 3rd of July 2024 then had the whole month at home with my parents which was such a tremendous holiday.