Comboni Celebrations

  1. The communnity has rhree main celebrations that they we celebrate yearly which are;
    1.Comboni Day
    2.Family day
    3.Comboni Birthday

  2. Comboni Day
  3. It is always being celebrated every year on 10th of October that marks the death of st daniel Comboni which occured on that date.
    The celebration usually takes place in our commmuity which all the comboni missionaries within kenya Province attending.

    Community superior following speech during the Comboni day in our commuity

    Comboni Birthday
    This usually occurs on 15th March every year the day Comboni was born in Lemone it is usually celebrated in the scholasticate lacated in karen next to Tangaza University.

    Family day
    This usually occurs in our community where we invite our families to join us and celebbrate with us the gift of our vocation and also to familiarize themselves with where we live . It usually occurs in march every year.

Br simon summary of the community life

"Our Postulancy is a multi-cultural and international community. It comprises of two formators: one Mexican (Fr. Lauro) and a Kenyan Priest (Fr. David). Besides, there are Postulants from South Sudan and Kenya who are under formation. The current number of Postulants we have is 17 Brothers (6 from South Sudan and 11 from Kenya). This union makes us proud as we share our cultures, learning new practical realities in different backgrounds. In fact, the students themselves are from different dioceses, parishes, and villages in their respective countries. Coming together as a family, united in Christ, who calls us in our human frailty; we strive to live together as a community. We share many things in common. We work together, eat together, recreate and enjoy leisure time together, go to school together, move for Apostolate in group, we pray together and share our things in common. It is such an amazing life that we really enjoy living together. During Outings, we do everything as a community. Strengthened by the power of love for one another, we check on each other to make sure everyone is on track and everyone is fine. We take care of ourselves as we journey together in our vocation to religious life as future Comboni Missionaries. It is interesting to see that we share moments of joy together as well as moments of grief together. This is our future dream and this is what the religious life demands; that brothers and sisters live together as a community, doing and sharing all things in common. What does one need in life? is it not love and care from those around him? This is exactly what community life offers us. We are happy to join this religious community which has been made possible through the power of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ which was revealed through the life and work of Our Founder St. Daniel Comboni. It is our greatest hope to join the Community Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus as fully religious and Missionary Priest and Brothers. We are happy to live as a cenacle of Apostles as Comboni had dreamed! "
Simon Lodai