First Graduation at Tangaza University
Br Simon Lodai | 5 December 2024Tangaza University has done an inaugural graduation ceremony.
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Though we come from diverse cultures, nationalities and personalities, our desire to respond to the call of God makes us one body in the
same spirit bonded together by love. Hence, our community is realized, as in the words of Comboni, to be a "Cenacle of Apostles."
The words of St. Paul echo the community spirit that we want to
build: "All of us...have been baptised in one spirit to form one body.
And all of us have been given to drink in one spirit and so there is no
division in the body, but all its different parts have the same concern
for one another." (1Cor 12:13, 25.)
We realise that the Postulancy is where we identify and clarify our
call and where we journey together sharing, as a family, our abilities,
values, strengths and responsibilities.
"History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children."
Nelson Mandela
"The vocation to the apostolic ministry is not always accompanied by aoneself felt and irresitable inclination
to such a sublime way of life,
but it requires a constant and generous willingness to sacrifice oneself
to God along with a suitability for the task for which one is presenting himself "
St Daniel Comboni
"welcomes with gratitude those whom the Lord of the harvest calls to be Apostles and heralds of the Good news"
Rule of Life number 80
We attend lectures at Tangaza University College, normally up to 1:15pm; on Wednesdays and Thursdays afternoons, there are organized seminars/electives and core courses.
Comboni missionaries worldwide
gives hope to the marginalized people in the society
We get spiritual nourishmnet through daily masses, monthly recollections and yearly retreats
Comboni is an Italian born Saint who became the founded the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus formerly known as the Institute of the Good Shepherd for the Regeneration of Africa in 1867.
"Apostolic activities plays an important role in formation, it can provide valuable information on pastoral inclinations and attitudes, and be an opportunity to verify the vocational motivation of the Postulants" (RFIS n. 302)
To ensure a healthy and a conducive environment in our community, we combine our efforts in our daily and weekly cleaning, to keep the house clean and compound tidy.