"The Postulancy always takes place in a formation community in which one begins to experience a fraternal spirit that is open to mission. The positive presence of the formators and witness of the vocational community allows the postulant to know and love the Comboni community in a concrete way, verifying his own ability to choose it as his new family" (RFIS n. 292). Thus, "this institute, becomes a little Cenacle of Apostles for Africa..." (Daniel Comboni)

Though we come from diverse cultures, nationalities and personalities, our desire to respond to the call of God makes us one body in the same spirit bonded together by love. Hence, our community is realized, as in the words of Comboni, to be a "Cenacle of Apostles."

The words of St. Paul echo the community spirit that we want to build: "All of us...have been baptised in one spirit to form one body. And all of us have been given to drink in one spirit and so there is no division in the body, but all its different parts have the same concern for one another." (1Cor 12:13, 25.)

We realise that the Postulancy is where we identify and clarify our call and where we journey together sharing, as a family, our abilities, values, strengths and responsibilities.

Below are the community Members

"History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children."
Nelson Mandela

Community members watching a football match

"The vocation to the apostolic ministry is not always accompanied by aoneself felt and irresitable inclination to such a sublime way of life,
but it requires a constant and generous willingness to sacrifice oneself to God along with a suitability for the task for which one is presenting himself "

St Daniel Comboni

Community members posing for a picture with general superior

"welcomes with gratitude those whom the Lord of the harvest calls to be Apostles and heralds of the Good news"
Rule of Life number 80

Key Elements

Intellectual Aspect

We attend lectures at Tangaza University College, normally up to 1:15pm; on Wednesdays and Thursdays afternoons, there are organized seminars/electives and core courses.


The community offers several recreation activities which usually takes place at 8pm after supper everyday except Saturday.

Spiritual Aspect

We usually have daily masses

Know About us

Comboni missionaries worldwide
gives hope to the marginalized people in the society









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