Community Outing

Brief Introduction

Outing usually occurs every semester to break the monotomy of the house during the midsemester break.
It is always a moment where we sit together as a family away from the community to play games , tell stories and joke together.
    'Apostolic activities plays an important role in formation, it can provide valuable information on pastoral inclinations and attitudes, and be an opportunity to verify the vocational motivation of the Postulants' (RFIS n. 302)
    "Yet for the progress of God's work, hardships and crosses must come. We are committed to giving up everything for God's sake and to making his work prosper" (Daniel Comboni)

Brothers actively particpating in a team building exercise

"These are always the best moments for being together as brothers outside the community"
Faustine Tino

Brothers enjoying playing Archery

"It was a first time experience of this game called archery"
Emmanuel Gor

Brothers enjoying swimming

"These are always the best moments for being together as brothers outside the community"
Faustine Tino