Pastoral Work

Brief Introduction

    "Apostolic activities plays an important role in formation, it can provide valuable information on pastoral inclinations and attitudes, and be an opportunity to verify the vocational motivation of the Postulants" (RFIS n. 302)
    "Yet for the progress of God's work, hardships and crosses must come. We are committed to giving up everything for God's sake and to making his work prosper" (Daniel Comboni)

    Pastoral work is meant to pose a challenge and to expose us to the various needs and problems of people in order to verify our apostolic spirit. Our Postulancy is neighbouring Fatima parish, St. Monica parish and St. Marys" parish. We collaborate with the parishes for their pastoral needs. Being under Fatima parish and near the other parishes, we liaise with the Priests in-charge for all our pastoral activities. Moreover, the Parish Priest is invited to guide us where is necessary our contribution in the parish, we invite our parish priest in due time to celebrate for us the Eucharist in the community, we also try to keep a friendly relationship with the three parishes. We are also privileged to work with the schools around, they include ; Laiser Hill (Fatima parish) and Nakeel (St. Monica Parish).

    Pastoral Commitments.

  1. We do our apostolate on Saturdays afternoon, if needed, and Sundays. We are involved in teaching catechism, preparing altar servers and Sunday school classes. In the nearby outstation St. Andrews Nkaimurunya, Fatima and St. Mary"s parishes we work with altar servers, Sunday school and the Youth; and Napenda Kuishi, home for street children rehabilitation. We also help in the parish of St. Monica.

  2. On Sundays some brothers join Young Christian Students in nearby secondary schools, Nakeel and Laiser Hill, whereby we lead the service without priest and help in catechism.

  3. On Sunday afternoon we join some Small Christian Communities where we pray and share the Word of God together. "Jumuiyas " held in the Postulancy are invited to use the visitors room or the Chapel with the element of responsibility. Only one jumuiya at a time.

  4. Mission experience

  5. Missionary awareness and interest, the sense of solidarity and the desire to share the life and lot of the poor, are values that must be encouraged and deepened during the period of Postulancy. (RFIS 275)

  6. At the end of the second semester, postulants in the second year, go for mission experience to mission in Kenya and South Sudan where the Comboni Missionaries are working in order to have a meaningful experience on how Comboni Missionaries work in the field so as to help the postulant to add an important element in their discernment.

Brother Simon with the youths of Our Lady of Fatima during apostolate.

"It's always the best experience being with the youth and sharing our life with them"
Simon Kirui

Our formatters celebrating for us mass

"Always practise Lectio Divina while meditating"
Fr David Ahiro

Brothers comments


Samson Owino


Victory is in having done your best. If you’ve done your best, you’ve won. Do not always compete


Wilberforce Othuondo

Transport and Commmunication

"Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance."


Simon Kirui

Social docket

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. But remember also to be persistent in prayer