Comboni"s trust in God led him to incessant prayer through which God becomes for him
a comfort in the uncertainties of daily life and in all his anxieties and hopes. (RFIS n. 53)

"A strong spiritual life is ... the daily bread of our missionaries to be recognised as absolutely necessary in order to maintain
the fervour of their vocations in this land "... (St. D. Comboni)

We fully understand that no relationship can grow between two persons unless they spend time together. Our relationship with God follows the same pattern, it is through prayer that we can have a clear direction of our faith and our vocation. In our community, we have both communal and personal prayer. What nourishes our prayer is the listening, meditating and contemplating the Word of God in the Bible. Our prayer life is scheduled as follows:


  • Every weekday, except Wednesday, there is the Eucharistic celebration together with lauds at 6:00am

  • Personal prayer begins from 6:00pm to 6:45pm, while vespers are recited from 6:45 pm to 7:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, on Sunday vespers is at 6:40pm. Compline is communitarian from Monday to Wednesday at 8:50 pm, and personal from Thursday to Sunday.

  • On Wednesday we have Spiritual reading on Saint Daniel Comboni followed by personal meditation at 6.00am, at 6:25 am we pray laudes. Group Mass is at 6:00 pm, where there is an open share on the Word of God or our morning spiritual reading or from the weekend apostolate; whenever possible we could invite a comboni missionary or any other guest to preside mass for us and share his/ her missionary/vocation experience with us. Solemnity which occurs during the week (Monday to Friday), is treated just like Wednesday.

  • Every Thursday we have the adoration at 6:00pm.

  • Saturdays morning prayer is at 7:00 am followed by Holy Eucharist. In the evening at 6:15pm we have the Holy Rosary, preferably at the grotto site.

  • On Sundays, we have lauds at 7:00am and we join other Christians for mass in the parishes where we also go for our apostolate.

  • During communitarian prayers, the group leading is encouraged to use their creativity.

  • Recollection

  • On the last Saturday of the month we have half a day of recollection at an appropriate place preferably outside the Postulancy . It is also an occasion to renew our relationship with God by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • At the beginning of each academic year, the first recollection is done in our Postulancy beginning on Friday at 6:00 pm and ends on Saturday with celebration of the holy mass at 12:00 noon.

  • Yearly Retreat

  • At the beginning of the 2nd semester in January of every year, we have a Three days retreat.

  • We also have two moments of personal reconciliation; that is, during Advent (if the situation allows it) and Lenten seasons, where thesacrament of reconciliation is celebrated in our Postulancy by invited priests
  • A brother assisting the priest during mass

    Key Elements

    Intellectual Aspect

    We attend lectures at Tangaza University College, normally up to 1:15pm; on Wednesdays and Thursdays afternoons, there are organized seminars/electives and core courses.


    The community offers several recreation activities which usually takes place at 8pm after supper everyday except Saturday.

    Spiritual Aspect

    We usually have daily masses

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    Comboni missionaries worldwide
    gives hope to the marginalized people in the society









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