First Graduation at Tangaza University
Br Simon Lodai | 5 December 2024Tangaza University has done an inaugural graduation ceremony.
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Formators must be men of faith, with a positive missionary experience, able to vitally communicate the Comboni ideal, endowed
with the doctrinal and pedagogical competence required by their
service and able to live and work in a team. (RFIS 215)
"The candidates must be formed to this most essential disposition by having
them keep their eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, loving
him tenderly and seeking always better to understand the meaning of a God who died on the cross for the salvation of souls".
(Daniel Comboni)
The formators play an important role by helping the postulant to respond the call of God. They are companions in his journey in order to
clarify his missionary vocation through his positive experience, his
way of living and personal encounters with the postulant.
Personal Formative Encounters + Spiritual Direction
-The formative encounters are after every 15 days.
-With consultation of the formators the 3rd years seek for spiritual accompaniment from different directors and directress around Nairobi.
- Preferably the directors should be combonis. The postulant
meet his or her director at least once per month individually
Weekly catechesis
Postulancy is a moment in which a candidate is allowed to have a free
and responsible choice of entering or not entering the Comboni novitiate. In order to achieve this, the candidates are helped to discern their
call through weekly catechesis according to the following themes:
1. 1st Year: Self-awareness and Character Building. Stages of
growth, Introduction to the Life of Prayer. Life of Comboni
(Historical Background)
2. 2nd Year: Discernment, Decision making, Elements of Life
Choice, Self esteem and Spirituality of Daniel Comboni.
3. 3rd Year: Introduction to Spiritual direction, history of the
institute (with special reference to Kenya and South Sudan), Introduction to the Novitiate and to the Vows.
Catechesis takes place on Monday (First years), Tuesday (Second
years) and Wednesday (Third years) from 8 to 9pm.
During the course of the year we shall have one seminars conducted in the first semester that touching different topics, such as:
We attend lectures at Tangaza University College, normally up to 1:15pm; on Wednesdays and Thursdays afternoons, there are organized seminars/electives and core courses.
Comboni missionaries worldwide
gives hope to the marginalized people in the society
We get spiritual nourishmnet through daily masses, monthly recollections and yearly retreats
Comboni is an Italian born Saint who became the founded the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus formerly known as the Institute of the Good Shepherd for the Regeneration of Africa in 1867.
"Apostolic activities plays an important role in formation, it can provide valuable information on pastoral inclinations and attitudes, and be an opportunity to verify the vocational motivation of the Postulants" (RFIS n. 302)
To ensure a healthy and a conducive environment in our community, we combine our efforts in our daily and weekly cleaning, to keep the house clean and compound tidy.